Neurofeedback therapy works by controlling and retraining the brain to make better patterns of activity. This allows people to manage their emotions and avoid symptoms of mental health conditions. The technique is used by professionals to treat a wide variety of conditions, from ADHD to addiction, anxiety to traumatic brain injury.
Neurofeedback is a non-invasive procedure that uses an electroencephalography (EEG) machine to monitor brainwave patterns. Patients are given a video and audio cues to practice while electrodes are placed on different areas of the brain. When the patient’s brain changes to a more healthy pattern, the software responds by dimming the video or music. By changing patterns in the brain, patients are taught to recognize their own dissonant patterns. They then learn to substitute these patterns for more positive ones.
Neurofeedback can help patients recover from brain trauma and can also increase brain resistance to seizures. In addition, neurofeedback therapy has been effective in treating conditions such as ADD, depression, schizophrenia, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Studies have shown that neurofeedback helps patients regulate their brainwaves and improve their emotional regulation. It also reduces the likelihood of unwanted side effects. However, Neurofeedback Therapy some patients have experienced short-term side effects, such as sleepiness and a lack of focus. If these symptoms occur, they should be reported to the clinician.
In order to benefit from neurofeedback, a client must first undergo a number of sessions. These may include watching a video or listening to soothing music. For the first couple of sessions, clients may not notice any noticeable results. After a few weeks, they should begin to see some progress. Most clients report that they feel more alert and calm, and they experience better sleep. Some of the most common side effects are mild headaches, sleepiness, and anxiety.
The number of sessions required depends on the individual’s condition and can range from as few as five sessions to as many as 40. Generally, for the average person, a series of five to ten sessions is recommended. More complicated conditions may require up to 50 or even 100 sessions.
In the first few sessions, clients are usually able to see some improvements in their symptoms. However, the results are gradual and are not guaranteed. People respond differently to neurofeedback, and there is no way to predict how long the process will take. Depending on the type of neurofeedback system, it may take a few months to achieve a full improvement.
Neurofeedback has been around for over forty years. Thousands of patients have successfully benefited from the techniques. However, more rigorous clinical studies are needed to determine how the treatment works and whether it can help patients.
Although most studies have not been randomized controlled trials, there is strong evidence that neurofeedback can be effective in treating a variety of illnesses. A growing number of studies are beginning to show that it can also be used for ADHD.
Neurofeedback is becoming more and more popular in clinical settings. Many hospitals and clinics are using this technique to treat patients with ADHD, epilepsy, and other brain disorders.